
utxoupdatepsbt "psbt" ( ["",{"desc":"str","range":n or [n,n]},...] )

Updates all segwit inputs and outputs in a PSBT with data from output descriptors, the UTXO set or the mempool.

Argument #1 - psbt

Type: string, required

A base64 string of a PSBT

Argument #2 - descriptors

Type: json array, optional

An array of either strings or objects

  "",                       (string) An output descriptor
  {                         (json object) An object with an output descriptor and extra information
    "desc": "str",          (string, required) An output descriptor
    "range": n or [n,n],    (numeric or array, optional, default=1000) Up to what index HD chains should be explored (either end or [begin,end])


Name Type Description
str string The base64-encoded partially signed transaction with inputs updated


bitcoin-cli utxoupdatepsbt "psbt"