
getnetworkhashps ( nblocks height )

Returns the estimated network hashes per second based on the last n blocks.

Pass in [blocks] to override # of blocks, -1 specifies since last difficulty change.

Pass in [height] to estimate the network speed at the time when a certain block was found.

Argument #1 - nblocks

Type: numeric, optional, default=120

The number of blocks, or -1 for blocks since last difficulty change.

Argument #2 - height

Type: numeric, optional, default=-1

To estimate at the time of the given height.


Name Type Description
n numeric Hashes per second estimated


bitcoin-cli getnetworkhashps
curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "curltest", "method": "getnetworkhashps", "params": []}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'